

Odds and Ends. By Jess

When people say "I'm so tired", "I'm sick", "I feel so stressed out" to you, NEVER say "Me too", or " I'm more tired than you because blah blah blah" even if it's true. Tell them that you can UNDERSTAND them. Or "Though I can't understand you fully as I'm not you, but I'm here for you." Give them your EMPATHY, not SYMPATHY, and definitely not your own complain as if you are trying to compete whose life is more miserable. 

Everyone loves talking about themselves. To make other people feel good, you need to shut up and listen.

Sometimes even if it’s just you doing the job, you have to make sure other people feel that they are part of the group. 

When you are working with others you’ll realize the limits of your mindset. Always know the possibility that you are wrong exsits, and be aware of the fact that you don't know what you don't know. 

If you want to be a leader, you have to truly care about what you are doing.

Keep track with everything going on and help others keep on track.

When you realize other people are lost, help them getting on without making them feel bad about themselves.

Your job is NEVER making yourself look good. Your job is making the team look good.

Don'tbe the one who always go to others to complain. Be the person everyone comes to and confide with.

Oct. 13th. 

I used to think we can be friends. We laugh together and share snacks with each other and you invited all of us to your sister's place downtown. But at the end of the day we are just all falling apart with our different selfish deeds. 

There's something you just don't understand. You can't be a leader when you claiming "I want to lead" all the time. A true leader never say such words and when he walks into a room everyone feel inclined to him and trust him and feel safe to be led by him. Can you do that? No. What can you do is behaving aggressive like a stupid ape and making everyone hate you.

So now in our second group I no longer care about people as I used to in our core group. Sometimes caring about others is the hardest thing to do. 

And now I have to shut my gate of emotions and focus. Otherwise I'll never get the work done.

I don't have a single day to myself this week. Coursework, assignments, intern, volunteer, networking, appointments. Never a moment to myself.

Just suck it and keep going.


Well I basically ignored him last time I saw him, and I didn't even realise that he actually cared and seemed hurt. 

Sometimes having a big heart is not necessarily a good thing. 

Oct. 27.






需要集中注意力的时候必须把所有的情感都shut out. 有时候不愿起床,只是想在自己的情感世界里再待一会儿。和自己再待一会儿。


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